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The state legislature will vote on prohibiting cannabis in beer gardens.

Bavaria is swiftly enacting a law prohibiting the use of cannabis in beer gardens.

The Augustiner beer garden in Munich's Neuhausen district. Anyone who wants to can currently...
The Augustiner beer garden in Munich's Neuhausen district. Anyone who wants to can currently consume cannabis. However, the Bavarian state parliament has already started the legislative process for a ban

Strictest Germany regulations - The state legislature will vote on prohibiting cannabis in beer gardens.

In early April, Prime Minister Markus Söder (57 years old, CSU) introduced a ban on cannabis consumption. By the beginning of May, the Bavarian state parliament is expected to discuss the "Bavarian Cannabis Consequences Limitation Act." This law is expected to pass as the CSU and Free Voters support it.

The prohibited acts include:- Cannabis use in beer gardens, which encompasses not only smoking but also heating or vaporizing the drug. This covers e-cigarettes and shishas.- Cannabis use in the outdoor areas of cafés and restaurants.- Cannabis consumption during public festivals, in addition to the existing ban on smoking in tents.- Hashish is also banned in designated smoking areas.- Cities and municipalities will have the authority to designate certain areas as cannabis-free zones.

The governing parties CSU and Free Voters in Bavaria's state parliament advocate for this extensive ban, citing health concerns for those exposed to cannabis smoke or vapor. They also emphasize the potential risk to children in these areas.

However, Baden-Württemberg has yet to provide its own restrictions. So far, the organizers of public events have exercised their right to ban cannabis use. State authorities are still arranging for additional limitations on public cannabis consumption.

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