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The real tale behind the ARD series' success

In the ARD series "The Doubters", German producer David Hadda (39) examines the hidden dynamics of a Jewish family in Germany. The patriarch considers selling his delicatessen business, but disturbing truths emerge.

Producer David Hadda came up with the crazy Jewish family story. In BILD he reveals the secrets of...
Producer David Hadda came up with the crazy Jewish family story. In BILD he reveals the secrets of the series

"David Hadda," the creator of "The Doubters" - The real tale behind the ARD series' success

David Hadda has held on to the concept for the series for a significant amount of time. As a teenager, he observed the renowned American show "The Sopranos," which chronicled the existence of an Italian-American mafia family in New Jersey. Hadda envisioned a similar story with a Jewish family in Germany. Eventually, "The Doubters" sprang from this idea.

What Mafia Influence is there in "The Doubters"?

Hadda: "Perhaps some questionable enterprises of the Zweiflers' grandfather. He's a very ambiguous character. But no mafia!" Through the characters, Hadda relates his own family history. "It's emotionally biographical. The attitude displayed is unique. The characterization of the grandmother is very much like my own. However, they didn't operate a delicatessen or participate in the red light district."

In the

Filming at a pub in the Dark

Interestingly, the scenes from the delicatessen were filmed in 2023 at the historic Frankfurt cider bar "Zum gemalten Haus" at night to minimize disruption to the pub's usual business. Hadda: "We came in at night, set up, filmed for two days, dismantled, and the place was open again by 11 a.m. on Wednesday. That was the prerequisite."

While Zweifler's name embodies uncertainty, the younger generation in the show is indeed filled with doubts. "A friend of mine actually has the surname Zweifler. I enjoy the ambiguity of the name," explains Hadda. "I named the family that way."

Why a series about Jewish Life Now?

Producer David Hadda invented the

For Hadda, the timing holds no weight. He desires to enlighten people about Jews in Germany. "The great majority of them aren't German Jews who were German before the war. Instead, they came to Germany after the war since there were reception or refugee camps here."

Hadda asserts that many individuals wanted to leave Germany at that time. Some remained due to inability to secure visas in other countries, medical reasons, or because they started families.

At the premiere of the series in the Frankfurt cinema

The producer: "That's precisely what my grandparents experienced. They endured the Holocaust, lost their families, began anew, and persevered. They were always heroes to me, not victims."

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