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The proposed limitation on stoners operating vehicles must be enforced.

Cannabis usage is legal in Germany as of April 1st. The traffic authority seeks to develop regulations for cannabis use when operating vehicles.

3.5 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood will soon be permitted, a value comparable to 0.2 per...
3.5 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood will soon be permitted, a value comparable to 0.2 per mille of alcohol

Cannabis law determines the operation of traffic signals. - The proposed limitation on stoners operating vehicles must be enforced.

The federal states sharply criticized the cannabis law in March and agreed to the controversial plan in the Bundesrat only because the federal government promised future changes. The left-wing parties plan to discuss this in the Bundestag on Friday night - the topic is scheduled to be raised at 0.35 am.

This will be applied in the future

▶︎ Higher cannabis threshold

The 0.5 per mille limit applies to driving under the influence of alcohol. In the future, a similar limit will be set for cannabis use in road traffic. It will be 3.5 nanograms - three times higher than the current limit. According to the draft law, this value is comparable to 0.2 per mille of alcohol in the blood.

However, it's difficult for stoners to know when they exceed this limit! While a casual stoner might be able to drive again after twelve hours, it could take up to three days for regular stoners. Additionally, the effect varies from plant to plant. So consumers shouldn't try to smoke their way to the legal limit. Dangerous!

▶︎ Stricter driving ban penalties

The traffic light party wants to reassess the penalties for cannabis consumption. Anyone with more than 3.5 nanograms of THC in their blood will face fines of 500 to 3000 euros and a one-month driving ban.

▶︎ Ban on mixed cannabis and alcohol consumption

The traffic light party wants to ban mixed cannabis and alcohol consumption in road traffic. If a driver has residual cannabis in their blood but no alcohol, they can continue driving under the limit. But if they consume alcohol in addition to cannabis, they will face fines of 1000 to 5000 euros and a one-month driving ban.

▶︎ Regulations for novice drivers

A cannabis ban is being proposed for novice drivers in their probationary period and drivers under the age of 21. Such a regulation already exists for alcohol. Anyone caught with THC in their blood as a novice driver will receive a Flensburg point and a fine of 250 euros.

CDU politician calls for a driving ban for stoners

Rainer Wendt (67), head of the German Police Union, also criticizes the increase in the limit. "It's feared that the number of traffic accidents caused by drivers under the influence of drugs will increase," says Wendt. Drivers won't be able to accurately gauge their actual THC level, as the reduction isn't "linear".

Siegfried Brockmann (65), Managing Director for Road Safety and Accident Research at the Björn Steiger Foundation, agrees. "Unlike with alcohol, the consumer has no idea how much they've consumed. This value is therefore completely meaningless for the consumer." The problem: every cannabis plant has completely different levels of active ingredients.

The expert views the proposed changes as a worrying sign: "With the new value, we're signaling that it's possible to smoke pot and still drive a car. Everyone must expect to commit an offense."

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