Promoting beer for democratic growth. - The process of obtaining free beer as a voter is explained.
Here's how Duisburg aims to boost voting turnout - a beer promotion for democracy.
And rightly so: the first voters arrive at the König Pilsener brewery in Duisburg-Beeck by noon, where the company's pub turns into the official polling station for the day.
Alex Meier (21, administrative employee) brought his voting documents with him; he thinks the initiative is "amazing": "I had already requested my postal voting documents, but receiving a free beer for it makes it even better."
However, only non-alcoholic Pilsner is served, ensuring a sober democratic decision-making process.
"Tastes great no matter what," affirms Rudolf Sickau (58), the head of the works council at König-Brauerei, who also casts his vote. "It's a successful campaign, many colleagues will take advantage of it during their shift breaks," he says.

The City of Duisburg is satisfied with the beer incentive, even though ultimately not as many voters showed up as hoped. "It's crucial that we use campaigns like this to draw attention to the election and get conversations going," explains City Director Martin Murrack. And the impact can be seen: three weeks prior to the European elections on June 9, postal voting applications have already surpassed the number from the previous election. During that time, voter turnout in Duisburg was a low 50.1% - a record low in NRW.
"We'll keep running these campaigns," Murrack states. A day with free access to Duisburg Zoo for all those who submit their postal voting documents is already in the works, and free beer might be offered again soon. "Perhaps we'll move to the pedestrian zone to draw in more voters," declares the city director.
So, here's to increased participation in democracy!

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