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The number of incoming freshmen in Brandenburg is expected to increase even more.

Brandenburg has experienced a decrease in the number of first-year students for multiple years. In 2022, however, there was a shift in this trend, with the KMK predicting it to endure.

First-year students sit in a lecture hall of the Faculty of Law at the University of Potsdam during...
First-year students sit in a lecture hall of the Faculty of Law at the University of Potsdam during their first law lecture.

Learning and instruction - The number of incoming freshmen in Brandenburg is expected to increase even more.

Predicted by the Standing Committee of Education and Cultural Affair Ministers (KMK), the student population in Brandenburg is forecasted to incline consistently until 2035. KMK revealed that the first-year student count in Brandenburg would jump from 7,300 in 2023 to 8,400 in 2035, but only for universities and colleges administered by the Free State. Private universities are acknowledged at federal level.

A decline in the number of first-year students, excluding Berlin's eastern German states, has been seen since 2019, leading to 45,245 in 2022 at state-managed universities. The tally of 53,192 first-year students in 2019 shrank to the expected 52,300 in 2035. In 2019, Brandenburg recorded 8,146 first-year students. Since 2017, the numbers have consistently gone down, climbing again only in the year 2022.

For Germany overall, KMK estimates a growth from approximately 397,600 students in 2023 to 440,700 in 2035. With the inclusion of private universities, the count will grow from 477,900 to 526,200 in the same time-frame, as stated in the forecast. The estimate adds that "this is approximately 7,500 more than in the previous peak year of 2011." Appropriate KMK press release along with a hyperlink to the forecast is available here.

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