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The most affordable superfood available today is this one.

For less than two euros, you can get one avocado and 150 grams of goji berries cost five euros. Yet, a superfood available for only one euro per kilo is plain cabbage.

Cabbage is anything but boring and is full of nutrients that most people don't even have on their...
Cabbage is anything but boring and is full of nutrients that most people don't even have on their radar

Abandon avocados and goji berries - The most affordable superfood available today is this one.

Okay, let me rephrase this story for you.

To begin with, cabbage isn't really famous for its exciting reputation. Typically, it's perceived as uninteresting and boring. Generally, we consume it as sauerkraut or wrapped in a roll.

However, I tend to think it's the most underappreciated vegetable out there. This marvelous root vegetable is incredibly versatile; it can be cooked, fried, grilled, marinated, roasted, or even used in salads. It appears everywhere on social media, enticing us with tons of recipes!

Though it's often grilled, cabbage starts to resemble meaty textures, making it an excellent base for countless dishes. Cabbage is indeed quite significant in vegan diets.

AMAZINGLY, cabbage isn't limited in terms of preparation options but nutrients too! White cabbage or savoy cabbage, filled with fiber (TMI?!), vitamin K, vitamin C, folic acid, mangan, vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, iron, and riboflavin.

Here's something interesting - white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale all belong to the same family of cruciferous vegetables. They all have the ability to fight inflammation, thus significantly reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Cabbage's hearty heart and cholesterol-lowering powers

Cabbage, surprisingly, is pretty outstanding for its anti-inflammatory capabilities, along with containing anthocyanins, which are heart-healthy compounds.

A study conducted in 2013 with 93,600 women revealed that those who chowed down more anthocyanins had a lower risk of suffering a heart attack. Furthermore, it lowers cholesterol levels, which can clog arteries. Soluble fibers facilitate this cholesterol reduction by bonding to it in our gut. Then, they prevent it from being absorbed into our bloodstream.

Of course, gulping enormous amounts of cabbage for its high fiber content could potentially result in bloating. [

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