Protocol for the Assault on Popular Stürzenberger - The killer stealthily moved around the target for four minutes.
### The Minute Log: Eyes Open - Team Mannheim
Upon arrival, we see a signboard that states "Welcome to 'Eyes Open' - Team Mannheim." Activists start removing posters from a van, while the camera pans over the area.
2:45 minutes. For the first time, Michael Stürzenberger can be heard talking in the background as he films himself. He speaks to a helper at the campaign stand, mentioning, "We're on a great path. We need a lot of people." The noise of a generator can be heard.
4:45 minutes: Stürzenberger finishes up his phone call and turns to address the other camera. The signboard disappears from view. The Islam critic announces, "Welcome to 'Eyes Open'! We are here at the marketplace. Anyone living in the area: Come here!"
6:53 minutes: A cyclist appears, shakes the hands of the Islam critic and other visitors. Police officers can be seen observing the event.
Violent Attack
9:05 minutes: A young man with glasses, a beard, Adidas shoes, and a cap approaches from the left side of the campaign stand, carrying a red backpack. He strolls around the marketplace, stops in front of a Pax Europa poster. Four minutes later, he attacks Stürzenberger with a knife.
9:56 minutes: The camera redirects its focus to Stürzenberger, who's picked up posters from the van. The assailant calmly stands three meters behind him, holding a phone in one hand and his other hand in his pocket.

10:52 minutes: The attacker speaks to himself while reading the slogans on the Pax Europa posters. Stürzenberger is oblivious to this, facing the other direction, as a man with a binder stands between them.
12:31 minutes: A shout rings out! Someone yells, "Hey!" A megaphone falls over. The camera moves towards the scuffle, revealing Stürzenberger and the assailant on the ground, both getting up. The attacker rushes towards Stürzenberger, stabbing him repeatedly.
12:50 minutes: The attacker manages to break free and makes his way towards Stürzenberger again, even stabbing him several times. A helper scrambles towards him, appears to be injured as well.
Stabbing of the Police Officer
12:50 minutes: The assailant frees himself, getting back up. A policeman who had once gone over to aid the injured helper runs towards the attacker. The assailant stabs the policeman twice in the neck. A gunshot is heard, sending the attacker to the ground.
13:01 minutes: Another policeman carries a firearm as he approaches the attacker, who writhes on the pavement.
Police Responses
13:30 minutes: Multiple police officers arrive at the scene, tending to the injured Stürzenberger, the attacker, and the injured helper.
16:08 Minutes: The first female doctor arrives in Baden-Württemberg, where the policemen kneel over their severely injured colleague who has lost a considerable amount of blood. One policeman holds his foot on a severe wound on Stürzenberger's thigh. Another colleague applies a pressure bandage. The politician remains conscious, conversing with a female police officer in a stable position.
20:57 minutes: More and more bystanders have assembled, and several police cars with blinking lights quickly arrive at the crime scene. The first ambulance has pulled up as well.
Injuries and Consequences
25:30 minutes: The police request that the camera be removed from the emergency area. "The demonstration is canceled today and tomorrow," announces an individual in sunglasses. A woman adds that Stürzenberger has a cut on his face and his leg: "He's lucky he's not dead."
By 27:03 minutes, the stream cuts off.