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The issue is not specific to Sylt, but a broader concern for Germany.

During Whitsun, when the wealthy and well-known descended upon Germany's much-loved island of Sylt, the start of the season was set. The sun shimmered over the North Sea, celebrities emerged from their convertible Porsches, and the champagne bubbled in the ice buckets of the exclusive clubs.

Moritz N. zeigt einen verkappten Hitlergruß, hält die Finger zum „Hitler-Bärtchen“ an die...
Moritz N. zeigt einen verkappten Hitlergruß, hält die Finger zum „Hitler-Bärtchen“ an die Oberlippe

Multiple events featuring Nazi-aligned slogans - The issue is not specific to Sylt, but a broader concern for Germany.

It didn't take long for a Nazi scandal to surface in the affluent German town of Kampen: Five out of 500 partygoers at the Schickeria-Lokal "Pony" shouted hateful slogans towards the dance hit "L'amour toujours."

Elisa Maria K. from Hamburg, a college student, was caught on camera laughing as her friend Juri B. recorded her singing "Auslaender raus" (foreigners out). Werber Moritz N. from Bavaria raised his right arm in a Hitler salute and drew a Hitler mustache with his fingers, while Christian M. from Munich shouted "Deutschland den Deutschen" (Germany for the Germans) while holding a glass of Aperol Spritz.

Immer wieder „Ausländer raus“- und „Deutschland den Deutschen“-Rufe: Diese Szenen aus dem Sylter „Pony“-Club sorgten für Entsetzen

These disturbing scenes are not unique to Kampen; photos and videos are emerging from around Germany, showing what seems to be a regular occurrence in beer tents and on dance floors.

Rassistische Gesänge wurden in einem Party-Zelt in Löningen angestimmt

The raucous revelers, emboldened by their group safety, scream Nazi slogans to popular songs.

--> During Easter, right-wing slogans to "L'amour toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino were heard at the shooting festival in Löningen (Lower Saxony): Several young men in a packed beer tent shouted the hateful texts, allowing themselves to be filmed in the process. The association was shocked.

Abgeführt: 70 Polizisten lösten eine Nazi-Party an der Mosel auf

--> Two days after the scandal in the Sylter "Pony," a different club nearby, the "Rotes Kliff," revealed that there had been racist slogans to the hit of the Italian DJ at their venue! However, the perpetrators were kicked out and banned.

Bei der Beachparty im sächsischen Cunersdorf fiel der Strom aus, da gingen die Hass-Gesänge los

--> On the evening of the Erlanger Bergkirchweih in Bavaria, two men (21/26) shouted "Auslaender raus" (foreigners out) to "L'amour toujours." Two randomly present police officers off duty reported the incident, prompting an investigation.

--> At the Dürpelfest in Solingen-Ohligs (NRW) over the weekend, foreigner-hating slogans were reported during the celebrations. Two witnesses filed a complaint against a drunken couple (27, 25). The couple denied the allegations.

Anna Reitnauer (28) ist jüdische Lehramts-Studentin und begegnet immer wieder Hass in Deutschland

--> At least 20 Nazis celebrated a private party in the picturesque wine village of Kröv on the Mosel (Rhineland-Palatinate) on Sunday night. It is said that forbidden music was played, and there were "Heil Hitler" shouts. 70 law enforcement officers dispersed the assembly in a holiday home.

--> A video from the Saxon Erzgebirge shows young people shouting "Auslaender raus" (foreigners out) openly. The footage comes from the 6th Beachparty at the Waldbühne in Cunersdorf, an Annaberg-Buchholz district, after a temporary power failure. Worryingly: It seems that no one is offended by this - on the contrary: More guests are joining in!

In all these cases, criminal proceedings were initiated, including for incitement to hatred. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is also investigating the use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations.

What happened in Germany?

Anna Reitnauer (28), an executive from the Young Forum of the German-Israeli Society Frankfurt, states, "We have a major issue with racism and antisemitism among the younger population. It's prevalent everywhere - from festivals to schools and universities, but you only learn about it through these videos."

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