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The investigator in charge of the Cum-Ex case provides no explanation for their dismissal in their termination letter.

Investigator Anne Brorhilker, who led the Cum-Ex investigation, did not provide any explanations for her departure. In a document sent to the NRW state parliament, Justice Minister Benjamin Limbach (Greens) stated that she had asked to be dismissed from her civil servant position. The Legal...

Senior public prosecutor Anne Brorhilker sits at the start of the trial day of the cum-ex trial in...
Senior public prosecutor Anne Brorhilker sits at the start of the trial day of the cum-ex trial in the district court.

Tax controversy - The investigator in charge of the Cum-Ex case provides no explanation for their dismissal in their termination letter.

Investigator Anne Brorhilker, charged with leading the Cum-Ex investigation, unexpectedly requested her dismissal from her civil servant position according to a report from NRW Justice Minister Benjamin Limbach. This news is set to be discussed in the Legal Affairs Committee of the NRW state parliament this upcoming Friday.

The announcement shocked officials at the authorities and Ministry of Justice. It coincided with Brorhilker's critical remarks in an interview with WDR, where she openly expressed her dissatisfaction with the way financial crimes were being handled in Germany. She cited unresolved tax thefts and the continued emergence of Cum-Ex successor models as areas of concern.

Brorhilker had advocated for a centralized authority to combat financial crime in an interview published the same day as her resignation, and intends to become Managing Director at Citizens' Movement for Financial Turnaround - a non-governmental organization dedicated to fighting against financial crime.

Limbach confirmed plans to expand the main department for the prosecution of Cum-Ex crimes with four extra positions for public prosecutors, despite budgetary constraints. Brorhilker also confirmed that the investigation was making significant progress, noting that under her supervision, around 1,700 suspects had been examined in approximately 120 Cum-Ex cases in Cologne. The public prosecutor's office is spearheading the nationwide probe into the scandal.

According to Brorhilker, Cum-Ex fraud, which peaked between 2006 and 2011, ravaged the German state with thefts estimated to be in the tens of billions of euros. Characterized as the greatest tax scandal in Federal Republic of Germany, this fraud was facilitated through the illegal transfer of securities with and without dividend claims between financial players, ultimately costing the tax authorities hundreds of millions in unpaid capital gains tax.

WDR interview with Brorhilker, Communications regarding Financial Turnaround, Report to the State Parliament.

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