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The head of Berlin's "caliphate" protesters is identified.

A group of predominantly male individuals with anti-Israel sentiments gathered at Alexanderplatz in Berlin on Monday night, calling for the establishment of a caliphate. Their leader, Ahmad Tamim, is no stranger to these types of events.

Aus einer Gruppe Pro-Palästina-Demonstranten am Alexanderplatz in Berlin-Mitte wurden Kalifat-Rufe...
Aus einer Gruppe Pro-Palästina-Demonstranten am Alexanderplatz in Berlin-Mitte wurden Kalifat-Rufe laut. Auch Ahmad Tamim (Mitte, gestreiftes Poloshirt), der der Gruppe „Generation Islam“ angehört, war unter den Rednern

In Germany, he hopes for whippings and severed limbs. - The head of Berlin's "caliphate" protesters is identified.

Following the events of October 7th, Tamim emerged as a figurehead at a Palestinian protest on Alexanderplatz. In the subsequent month, Tamim also took part in an Essen (NRW) rally, with protesters chanting for a caliphate.

Tamim holds associations with "Generation Islam," a group monitored by the Berlin Constitutional Protection Agency. This organization is closely aligned with "Hizb ut-Tahrir," a proscribed party aiming to dismantle Israel.

A video on YouTube showcases Tamim advocating for a caliphate and outlining the underpinnings of radical Islamist calls for a Sharia-governed society.

Clearly, Tamim yearns for "Allah's commandments" to replace government legislation.

He invokes extreme instances, such as penalizing thieves via the amputation of hands or punishing individuals who accuse a famed woman of adultery with 80 lashes. However, he notes that such punishments should not be performed by vigilantes, but instead necessitate state mandates.

Tamim declines to address how the rights of women are compromised by Sharia, as they are prone to severe penalties.

Tamim makes it evident that the predominance of Christianity in Germany does not impede his aspirations regarding a caliphate. "If a territory of the Islamic State included a substantial proportion of non-Muslims, it would present no challenge," he notes. Integrating non-Muslim minorities would not be a focus, he claimed.

Tamim bei einer Demo im Oktober 2023, kurz nach dem Terror-Akt der Hamas an Israel

One illustration of his ideology: In public domains, it would be forbidden to consume alcohol within the confines of the caliphate. Nevertheless, the Islamic State would abstain from intruding in the private sphere.

Israel-Hating Demonstration - including Arafat Abou-Chaker

Hundreds of Israel-haters assembled at Alexanderplatz on a Monday evening. The marchers gathered around 7 p.m. to vent their anger against Israel, under the banner "Stop the Murder of Palestinians!"

In attendance was Arafat Abou-Chaker, who shared a picture on Instagram of himself at the protest.

The activists featured flags emblazoned with a map representing Israel's non-existence. They also liken Israel's activities in Gaza to the Holocaust.

Unter den Israel-Hassern am Alex: Dieses
Die Polizei bei der Demo in der Nacht zu Montag

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