In response to potential assault threats. - The Greens are devising alternative strategies for their electoral efforts.
Matthias Ecke (41), the leading candidate for the SPD in the European elections in Saxony, was assaulted and taken to the hospital. An elderly man, aged 74, attacked Berlin's Senator for Economics, Franziska Giffey (46, SPD), from behind with a duffel bag.
The third mayor of Essen, Rolf Fliss (65, Greens), also faced an attack.
As a result, the political parties are prioritizing safety during their election campaigns.
They suggest: In areas where there are overtly aggressive right-wing extremist groups, it's wise to make definite preparations. Share phone numbers. Keep an eye out for escape routes in emergencies. No one should be left unprotected at a stand, and: Contact the police in advance.
Büning states: "We want the election campaign to be secure and just."
Assaults on the AfD
Other political parties are also confronting individuals who use violence.
There were 86 reported physical attacks on AfD representatives in 2023, making them the primary target. The Greens came in second with 62, followed by the SPD (53), CDU/CSU (21), Left Party (20), and FDP (10).
AfD General Secretary Jan Zwerg (58) notes that they've implemented guidelines and a checklist for the election campaign for many years. Stands in areas with a history of attacks, like Dresden's Neustadt district, are inspected before being set up.
The CDU has also been using safety measures for some time, says their headquarters. There are "inauspicious remarks" against the AfD to equip campaigners with suitable arguments. There are also video training courses, including for door-to-door canvassing. Directions are given for situations when things escalate and for personal protection.
You opine: "We don't need new criminal offenses."
However, you propose an addendum to give courts the ability to "make a ruling taking into consideration the trauma that these acts cause not only to the victim but also to society as a whole."
Therefore, a "proper formulation should be inserted in the Criminal Code."

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- The insanely adventurous cycling route in Germany poses growing risks.
- Söder explores Rome with selfies.
- Höcke is currently opposing his AfD party.
- What allows Caliphate supporters to demonstrate again today?