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The government declines the growth of Designer Outlet Soltau.

An enlargement proposal for the highway outlet center in Soltau has faced opposition from nearby towns, and ultimately, the state has denied the request. This issue has persisted for years.

The Designer Outlet Soltau is a factory outlet center in Soltau.
The Designer Outlet Soltau is a factory outlet center in Soltau.

Exchanging goods - The government declines the growth of Designer Outlet Soltau.

The Designer Outlet Soltau near the Autobahn 7 won't be getting any larger. The Ministry of Agriculture in Lower Saxony has denied the town's request to increase the shopping area from its current 10,000 square meters to 15,000 square meters. This news came out on Tuesday. The center in Soltau boasts over 80 manufacturers selling brand-name goods at discounted prices. The town has a month to contest the state's decision. In previous times, neighboring towns, such as Lüneburg, have voiced concerns about the expansion plans.

The state's current size restriction is according to the spatial planning program. Part of this regulation states that these types of businesses should be located centrally to prevent harming the supply structures within cities. The exception for the outlet in Soltau was granted, but only for 10,000 square meters of retail space. The town had hoped to receive permission to go against the spatial planning objectives. However, the law dictates that deviation is only allowed if it's justified in regional planning, doesn't conflict with the planning principles, and receives the approval of any other public bodies involved.

The impacted public bodies and the neighboring municipalities were informed, and some didn't back the expansion. The ministry's review also found that a deviation wouldn't be justified in terms of regional planning and would infringe upon the planning principles.

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