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The Federal Foreign Office aims to assist in providing clarification.

In response to the criticism, the Federal Foreign Office now plans to aid the Commission in probing the questionable activities of late priest Edmund Dillinger. The Commission claims that it has previously received no assistance from the federal authority, which it describes as "ignoring" the...

Edmund Dillinger died at the end of 2022. His nephew found nude photos when he was clearing out his...
Edmund Dillinger died at the end of 2022. His nephew found nude photos when he was clearing out his apartment

Violent cleric - The Federal Foreign Office aims to assist in providing clarification.

An official from the Federal Foreign Office Department stated, "We fully endorse the pursuit of legally examining sexual crimes committed by German nationals against minors, including outside of the country, wherever possible."

Context: It's possible that there are victims of the abusive pastor from African countries as well. The special investigators' duties have already been extended by a year. The late priest from Friedrichsthal was the head of CV-Afrika-Hilfe, a charity organization he created, from 1972 to 2005, and frequently traveled to Africa.

Yet, no legal assistance request can be made because there are no ongoing investigations or criminal proceedings against the deceased clergyman, the spokesperson mentioned. Nonetheless, the department is exploring ways to support the commission of inquiry's concerns in other capacities.

Frequent media coverage uncovered the late Catholic priest's sexual fantasies with minors only after his demise. The final report from the commission uncovered that Dillinger had sexually abused 19 victims in Saarland from 1961 to 2018, with 11 victims identified by name.

The commission is now looking into whether sexual assaults took place during Dillinger's foreign trips.

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