Elbe Fire Department and Police engage in an operation. - The Dussel ship's captain faces the threat of capsizing due to low tide.
At 12:20 pm, he was out on the Elbe in the Teufelsbrück harbor of the Hamburg suburb, Nienstedten. It seems he misjudged the water's depth, leading to a significant response from the fire department and police.
His small 5-meter-long boat had hit the riverbed, causing it to nearly capsize. The recreational skipper, Paul, found himself trapped in the harbor entrance. First responders rushed to the scene, securing the vessel with ropes and attempting to get it sailing once more—all to no avail.

The stranded skipper waded through the shallow Elbe to the shore with his dog. Only minor injuries reported. Due to the freak incident, the police initially had him blow his nose to check for alcohol consumption. The result: a 0.0 per mille reading.

He was completely sober when he made his sailing mistake.

Paul must now wait until the evening for the tides to rise, providing a narrow margin of water beneath his vessel, enabling him to navigate the Elbe once more.
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Source: symclub.org