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The direct descendant of Empress Sisi holds a magical wedding ceremony.

Aristocratic nuptials: Couples must adhere to traditional customs - public displays of affection, such as kissing, are reserved for after the wedding ceremony.

Der Bräutigam trug traditionsgemäß einen Cutaway. Der Schleier von Braut Isabelle, aus Brüsseler...
Der Bräutigam trug traditionsgemäß einen Cutaway. Der Schleier von Braut Isabelle, aus Brüsseler Spitze, ist ein Familienerbstück von Stanislaus’ Mutter, Prinzessin Gudila von Bayern

The Bavarian prince, Stanislaus, is mentioned here. - The direct descendant of Empress Sisi holds a magical wedding ceremony.

On Saturday, Prince Stanislaus of Bavaria (age 27) paid a delightful visit to the Salzburg Old Town: beaming and relaxed, he shared a kiss with Isabella Hampel (age 26), his bride, right after the wedding ceremony in Stiftskirche St. Peter.

The marriage of Stanislaus, the great-great-great-grandson of Empress Sisi (born 1837, died 1898), to his bride Isabella commenced at 10 am. Abbot Johannes Eckert presided over the 75-minute-long service. As they exited the church, the couple greeted around 250 guests and enjoyed chilled beverages.

Auf die Liebe! Nach dem Auszug aus der Kirche in Salzburg feierte das Brautpaar mit seinen 250 Gästen auf dem Vorplatz mit kühlen Getränken

Unlike traditional high nobility festivities, this event was characterized by its simplicity. There were no carriages, barricades, or extravagant celebrations. However, this down-to-earth approach seems to resonate well with each of the Munich natives.

Die Braut Prinzessin Isabella wurde in Wien geboren und bezeichnet sich durch ihre Stationen in Prag, London und München als internationalen und aufgeschlossenen Menschen

Prince Stanislaus, a descendant of the royal Wittelsbach family, and Isabella met while dancing at a social gathering. Before their wedding, they both worked as ski instructors. Stanislaus obtained a master's degree in landscape architecture and is a skilled fine mechanic. He is currently employed by a large company specializing in railway infrastructure in Munich.

Das Kind von Prinz Ludwig und Prinzessin Sophie-Alexandra soll im September zur Welt kommen. Die beiden hatten am 20. Mai 2023 in der Theatinerkirche in München geheiratet. Ihre Trauung wurde im Bayerischen Fernsehen übertragen

Isabella attended school for economics and currently works for a renowned economic audit firm in Munich.

Herzog Franz von Bayern (r.) brachte seinen Dackel „Beppi“ mit, der jedoch vor der Kirche warten musste.

Looking back, the previous grand Bavarian wedding took place quite recently!

Die Großmutter des Bräutigams, Prinzessin Theresa von Bayern, vor der Kirche – traditionell mit Hut und Perlenkette

Exactly a year ago, Prince Ludwig of Bavaria (age 41) pledged his love to Sophie-Alexandra (age 34) during a lavish ceremony in Munich. Now, Prince Ludwig's wife is expecting their first child. Princess Sophie-Alexandra prominently showcased her baby bump at Saturday's wedding reception in Salzburg.

Bei der Hochzeit waren natürlich auch die drei Geschwister von Stanislaus – hier sein jüngerer Bruder Prinz Marcello und Prinzessin Odilia von Bayern. Der ältere Bruder, Prinz Corbinian von Bayern, hat vergangenes Jahr auf der Ostseeinsel Rügen seine Lebensgefährtin Magdalena geheiratet

In keeping with Wittelsbach tradition, Duke Franz of Bavaria (age 90) was present at the event, accompanied by his partner, Thomas Greinwald.

On Saturday night, the wedding party dined lavishly in the Baroque Hall of the St. Peter Stiftskulinarium in Salzburg. [text]

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