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The coach driver experiences exhaustion, but no passengers are harmed.

An injured coach caused the A7 highway to be shut down briefly yesterday, thankfully no one suffered harm.

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Schülldorf's A7 location - The coach driver experiences exhaustion, but no passengers are harmed.

Approximately 20 individuals in a tour group were riding up the A7 highway at 4 p.m. when a lady detected a whiff of smoke coming from the rear of the bus. She alerted the driver, who subsequently pulled over at the Ohe parking area in an attempt to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher. Despite his efforts, the bus eventually caught fire completely.

The vehicle, along with many of the group's personal belongings, was ultimately destroyed, as were some trees and the road. Fire departments from Nortorf and Bordesholm stepped in to help extinguish the flames. The A7 had to be shut down for approximately 20 minutes.

Authorities estimate the damage to be worth around 100,000 euros and believe the fire was precipitated by a technical issue. Thankfully, both the passengers and the bus driver escaped injury, and they were able to continue their trip in a substitute bus.

This account is based on data provided by the authorities and was assisted by AI.

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