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The chase of foreigners in Chemnitz might have been a hoax.

The issue remains relevant after six years: Did protesters in Chemnitz chase foreigners through the city in September 2018?

Chemnitz, Karl-Marx-Monument: Hier wurde am 26. August 2018 der Tischler Daniel H. von dem...
Chemnitz, Karl-Marx-Monument: Hier wurde am 26. August 2018 der Tischler Daniel H. von dem syrischen Asylbewerber Aala S. erstochen. In den Folgetagen gab es Demonstrationen und gewalttätige Ausschreitungen von Rechtsextremisten

Gunnar Schupelius expresses his fury. - The chase of foreigners in Chemnitz might have been a hoax.

Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany from the CDU party, previously mentioned "hunting parties" targeting foreigners. However, three years later, the prosecution in Chemnitz only charged nine individuals for "disturbing the peace in connection with dangerous bodily harm."

The Chemnitz Regional Court has been reviewing the evidence for two and a half years and has now dismissed it as insufficient, meaning there won't be a main trial.

Merkel's statement about "hunting parties" raised doubts for some who were skeptical of her claims. At the time, Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and the then-President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maassen, both expressed their disagreement with her.

I posed a question to the government spokesman, Steffen Seibert, asking where the video evidence that Merkel had mentioned could be found. He didn't respond.

The events in Chemnitz began on August 26, 2018, at around 3:15 am, when the Syrian asylum seeker Alaa S. abruptly killed the 35-year-old carpenter Daniel H. after a city festival. Daniel H. was fatally wounded, and two others received serious injuries. Alaa S. was subsequently convicted, while his accomplice Farhad A. managed to flee to Iraq.

Following the murder, right-wing & radical activists assembled in Chemnitz and demonstrated. Some of them engaged in violent acts, including attacking police officers, and hurled insults & threats at foreigners. Though there was violence, no evidence of "hunting parties" was discovered.

Merkel later disclosed in response to an inquiry from the AfD in the Bundestag that she possessed no video evidence. She based her political assessments on media reporting. This reporting, though, was either inaccurate or misleading. Merkel accepted it without verifying its accuracy, and President Steinmeier visited Chemnitz on November 1, 2018, to speak with migrants on "social diversity" and how to handle "constitutionally hostile hate speech."

The murdered Daniel H. was tragically overlooked. Chemnitz served as a symbol of a perceived right-wing shift. Chancellor and President had politicized the city, but unfortunately, they were legally challenged six years later. Yet, it arrived too late.

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