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The captivating tale of Gabriel's parents' romance.

Gabriel Kelly (22), son of Angelo Kelly (42), secured the highly sought-after disco ball trophy on "Let's Dance" last Friday, gaining significant recognition in the midst of the 17th season and capturing the hearts of viewers.

Vergangenen Freitag gewann Gabriel Kelly (l.) die aktuelle „Let's Dance“-Staffel. Papa Angelo und...
Vergangenen Freitag gewann Gabriel Kelly (l.) die aktuelle „Let's Dance“-Staffel. Papa Angelo und Mama Kira saßen in der ersten Reihe und bejubelten ihren ältesten Sohn

Fans of "Let's Dance" are utterly smitten with Kelly's child. - The captivating tale of Gabriel's parents' romance.

The Kelly family has always prioritized their loved ones, so Angelo's parents were present at his final performance. They've been together for over 30 years and shared a lovely love story.

Many years ago, Angelo, a member of the renowned Irish-American band Kelly Family, was dubbed the "little angel" for his golden locks and melodious voice. His song "An Angel" made him and his older brother Patrick (46) popular stars of the family.

The Kellys started as street musicians in Germany and the United States in 1974. Angelo's mother Barbara-Ann (died at 36) passed away just a year after his birth from breast cancer. Following her death, his father Dan (71) had to raise their 13 children while performing to make ends meet. For a while, they lived in a renovated school bus.

Gabriels Mutter Kira, Vater Angela und Freundin Leoni (v. li.) saßen beim „Let’s Dance“-Finale in der ersten Reihe

Angelo's Love Saga

When Angelo was nine years old, he stumbled upon Kira (44), the daughter of a municipal politician from Rostock, while performing with his family on the beach promenade in Warnemünde.

Die Kelly Family feierte in den 90ern große Erfolge als englisch-singende Folklore Band. Ihr Markenzeichen waren die historischen Kostüme und langen Haare

In his adolescence, Angelo (then 13 years old) penned the song "I Can't Help Myself" for three-year-old Kira but lacked the confidence to express his emotions. They became a couple in 1998.

The couple had their first child, Gabriel, in 2001 and their second, Helen (21), in 2002. After their marriage in 2005, they welcomed Emma (18), Joseph (13), and William (8) into the world. In addition to being part of the Kelly Family, Angelo established his own band, Angelo Kelly & Family, with Kira and their children. In 2020, he left Kelly Family, and in 2023, he also dissolved his new family band.

Kira Harms lernte Angelo in ihrer Heimat Warnemünde kennen. Die beiden sind seit 22 Jahren verheiratet. Inzwischen wohnen sie fernab des Rampenlichts auf dem Land in Irland

He explained his decision by saying that his older children desired to become autonomous. Daughter Helen is studying in England, and son Gabriel is trying to forge a career in rap music. Before reaching the age of "Let's Dance," Angelo managed to win over the audience and their hearts.

Now the stage is set for a brand-new beginning. Angelo and Kira's parents are there to witness the transition, knowing full well that there is a fresh star in the Kelly family's sky.

Angelo und Kira mit ihren fünf Kindern Helen Josephine (links), Joseph Ewan, Emma Maria, William und Gabriel Jerome

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