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The area with the highest number of new parking violations is here.

An eighteen-year-old dubbed an "ad expert," Niclas M., has sparked excitement and allegedly inspired numerous imitators. There's been a 10% increase in individuals filing online parking violations in significant German metropolises since March 2024.

The self-proclaimed chief adman Niclas M. (18) is apparently a role model for an increasing number...
The self-proclaimed chief adman Niclas M. (18) is apparently a role model for an increasing number of parking offenders

Influential figure in advertising. - The area with the highest number of new parking violations is here.

In a recent study by the platform "," it was found that the citizens of Chemnitz in Germany are the most inspiring when it comes to reporting parking offenses on the "" website, where members can report evidence photos of parking violators to the public order offices. The study compared the number of reports made in the 34 largest cities across the country in March and April.

According to the analysis, Chemnitz had a significant increase in users and ads. With about 35% more ads per 10,000 residents, it led the pack in percentage terms. Duisburg (NRW) and Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg) ranked second and third, respectively, with a 9.4% and 9.3% increase in ads.

The chief ad man in action: Niclas M. searches for traffic offenders in his home town of Gräfenhainichen (Saxony-Anhalt)

In addition to being most inspired to report, Chemnitz and Stuttgart also had the most active users. Chemnitz saw a 23% increase in active users, while Stuttgart had an 18% rise in active whistleblowers. Kassel and Duisburg followed closely behind, with increases of 15.6% and 14.8% in active detectors.

Niclas M. uses his cell phone to take a photo of a Renault that was parked incorrectly in Herford (NRW)

In comparison, areas with already large numbers of parking violations saw less growth. Frankfurt am Main, with 44 active detectors per 10,000 inhabitants, still leads the list in total numbers. However, there was only a 3% increase from March to April—the smallest increase of all the cities studied.

Munich showed a unique trend, as existing offenders were relatively diligent. While other cities saw numerous new offenders, Munich's increase was only 10%. However, the city saw a significant 8.26% increase in reports, putting it in fourth place overall. The average increase in reports for the 34 largest cities was around 6% per 10,000 inhabitants.

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