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The A24 has reopened completely following a vehicle collision.

A police patrol car is on duty with flashing blue lights.
A police patrol car is on duty with flashing blue lights.

Automobile flow - The A24 has reopened completely following a vehicle collision.

After a truck collision on the A24 heading towards Berlin, the road has reopened again after a closure lasting more than 30 hours. A police officer shared this update early on Sunday morning. While one lane is now open, the other will remain shut for longer, as extensive cleaning work is needed. The exact timeline for when the second lane will be made available is unclear. In the accident on Friday afternoon, between Hornbek and Gudow, close to the border between Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, three trucks erupted in flames. One driver suffered minor injuries. The police report indicates that the incident happened after a truck carrying meat had a flat tire, causing a rear-end collision.

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