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Tension erupts in "Police Call"

End of the crime thriller's season: The European Football Championships and the Olympics force today's final case to be the last one before the extended summer break in August.

Gegenstand der Ermittlungen im aktuellen Polizeiruf „Funkenflug“: eine verkohlte Frauenleiche
Gegenstand der Ermittlungen im aktuellen Polizeiruf „Funkenflug“: eine verkohlte Frauenleiche

Most recent case before the summer hiatus - Tension erupts in "Police Call"

In Munich, the "Funkensommer" police case not only causes a building to go up in flames, but also affects Commissioner Chris Blohm (Johanna Wokalek).

▼ The Case: A fire broke out in an abandoned office building of a well-known Munich car rental family. The security guard stumbles upon a burnt female body.

Blohm and her Bavarian detective counterpart Eden (Stephan Zinner) have a heated argument with the self-important-looking fire investigator Hanno (Golo Euler, 41) on the scene.

Hanno is adamant: A tampered heating system caused the fire. An illegal demolition of the car rental family to dispose of the useless building? And does the anxious security guard truly not recognize the deceased woman? After all, this could be a personal matter between the commissioner and firefighter Hanno.

WATCH IT? Absolutely! Due to Johanna Wokalek's fantastic performance and the unexpected conclusion. A crime is committed, followed by a romance story - kaboom!

My Rating: 2-

Kriminalhauptkommissarin Chris Blohm (Johanna Wokalek) und ihr Kollege Dennis Eden (Stephan Zinner) stehen vor einem Rätsel
Eine verkohlte Frauenleiche wurde gefunden, welche bei den Ermittlern auf viele Fragezeichen stößt

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