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"Tagesschau" hides historical details

"Tagesschau" recounts the Middle East conflict's history while hiding vital details.

Israel correspondent Hanna Resch spoke about the history of the Middle East conflict, but left one...
Israel correspondent Hanna Resch spoke about the history of the Middle East conflict, but left one important piece of information unmentioned

Analysis of Israel's Situation - "Tagesschau" hides historical details

On a Wednesday broadcast, ARD frequently discussed the 76th anniversary of what Palestinians call the "Nakba," or the catastrophe/disaster. This refers to the displacement of their ancestors following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.

Issue: The "Tagesschau" attributed Israel's establishment as the sole cause of the fact that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were driven out. It didn't mention that Israel was attacked by several Arab nations on its foundation day, intending to annihilate the Jewish state.

Background: During the 1948 Arab invasion of Israel, the Arab-Palestinian community was relocated. People were forced to flee battles, ordered to leave over military commands, and some left due to terrifying stories circulated by Arab broadcasters about Jewish brutality.

▶︎ The "Tagesschau"? In a piece, it states: "More than 700,000 Palestinians relocated from their villages and cities due to the establishment of the state of Israel, moving to Lebanon, Syria, or Jordan."

The Arab invasion inciting warfare and displacement? Not mentioned again. It was Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, among others, that attacked Israel aiming to annihilate the young nation.

Leaving out the war that sparked it all

The "Tagesschau" Israel correspondent talked for several minutes about the "Nakba" history without referring to the Arab attack on Israel after its formation.

The Tagesschau presenter even alluded to the war in her initial query, stating that the Palestinians fled during and after the first Middle East conflict in 1948 and the establishment of the Israeli state. Nevertheless, it had no impact...

▶︎ The Arab attack wasn't mentioned throughout the several-minute-long show on Nakba's history. Correspondent Hanna Resch: "... this is the day the Palestinians celebrate the events that took place when the state was established, with over 700,000 Palestinians being driven from their land when the state of Israel was created ..."

Additionally, what was omitted was the Arab war of aggression that triggered conflict, displacement, and expulsion. Not to mention that Palestinians rejected a two-state solution even then. The UN partition plan, envisioning a Jewish and an Arab state, was approved by the Jews but rejected by the Arabs.

It's also not mentioned that after the creation of the state of Israel, many Arab states expelled almost their entire Jewish population. Large numbers of Jews had lived in these countries for centuries.

An Arab-Muslim minority accounts for about 20% of Israel's population, with Arabs serving in the Israeli army, sitting in parliament, and judging on the Supreme Court. In contrast, few or no Jews remain in many Arab counties.

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