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Suspect shot at the target four times.

In Neukölln's Lipschitzallee, four gunshots were heard on Sunday. A man with a black beard is believed to have fired them. A 20-year-old named Bilal collapses due to being hit by two bullets. A bullet also passes through the window of the "Bierinsel" pub, narrowly missing its patrons.

Die Straße in Neukölln, auf der es zur Schuss-Attacke kam, ist weiträumig abgesperrt
Die Straße in Neukölln, auf der es zur Schuss-Attacke kam, ist weiträumig abgesperrt

Gunshots heard in Berlin. - Suspect shot at the target four times.

The day following the deadly shootings of a 20-year-old man in Gropiusstadt, the suspect remains at large. Authorities, including a murder commission and the Berlin prosecutor's office, are actively seeking the attacker. There's potential assistance from videos. Police acquired footage from a surveillance camera that also features the attacker.

"I've never encountered these men before and we still don't know the reason for the incident," says the younger brother of the victim. Incredibly lucky to have survived, he's now recovering at Vivantes Clinic in Neukölln after undergoing a life-saving operation. Bilal sustained injuries to both his face and shoulder from the gunshots. Due to fear of further violence, he's under police protection.

The perpetrators are believed to be individuals from the Balkan region, who managed to evade authorities following the crime.

Polizisten suchten rund um den Tatort nach Spuren

"It was like a movie scene," reflects Detlef M. (65), an often visitor at "Bierinsel." Across the street was a chaotic standoff: "Outside, there was utter chaos, a man with a white t-shirt and tears in his eyes ran in to cleanse off the tear gas."

When the pensioner went to the exit, shots were fired. A man in black with an impeccably groomed beard had targeted the young man. It's estimated that he fired at least four times. "A bullet flew through our window, but the police couldn't find it during their search," explains Detlef M.

Die Polizei ist auch am Montag an der Klinik, die Lage hat sich aber beruhigt

The 8th murder commission is urgently seeking witnesses:

► Who has observed the incident on May 26, 2024, in front of the pub "Bierinsel" in Lipschitzallee 69 in Gropiusstadt?

Detlef M. (65) wurde Zeuge der Tat, eine Kugel traf die Fenster seiner Stammkneipe: „Szenen wie aus einem Film“

► Who can provide statements about the event but has not yet communicated with law enforcement?

► Who is familiar with the individuals involved in the standoff?

Zahlreiche Familienmitglieder des Opfers hatten sich am Sonntag vor der Klinik versammelt

If you have any information, you can contact the authorities at (030) 4664-911888 or send an email to [email protected]

Einsatzkräfte sperrten den Tatort ab, sicherten die Gegend

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