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Suspect searched online if genetic material is traceable on turf

A 33-year-old woman named Anne G. and her new boyfriend wanted to wed, but their joy was crushed when Tino E. (49) was violently murdered during a stroll. The culprit responsible for this crime is her ex-partner, who has been sentenced to life in prison.

The killer denies the crime, for the judges he is guilty: Mario G. received a life sentence for the...
The killer denies the crime, for the judges he is guilty: Mario G. received a life sentence for the murder of Tino E. (†49)

Life sentence for canine murderer - Suspect searched online if genetic material is traceable on turf

Did the motive for the crime stem from jealousy or a fear of losing his daughter to a new partner? The reasons behind the act remain unclear. Mario G., aged 38, maintained his innocence right up until his arrest.

Despite his denials, the combination of evidence and circumstantial proof was enough to convict him.

Victim found beaten to death on a rural road

On the morning of October 31, 2023, company CEO Tino E., aged 49, was brutally murdered as he walked his pet Labrador, "Keks," on a secluded path. There were no witnesses present. Only the dog was said to have caught a glimpse of the killer.

Anne had found the love of her life in him: She and Tino E. (†48) lived happily together and wanted to get married soon

The corpse was discovered by a neighbor. When the police arrived, the Labrador stood guard beside its late owner. It soon became evident to the investigators that this was no ordinary crime.

Fear led to the installation of security cameras

Following their breakup, Anne G. relocated with their daughter to Saxony-Anhalt. Their relationship was volatile, resulting in frequent disputes. To alleviate their anxiety, the couple installed surveillance cameras at their home.

The brown Labrador

These cameras captured footage of a cyclist who appeared to be spying on their property. A forensic expert testified that this, along with other recordings, was "probably" Mario G., a Leipzig resident.

Suspect had a penchant for murder podcasts

On the day of the murder, Mario G. conducted an online search for the weather conditions in Sietzsch, the location of the crime scene, which was approximately 25 kilometers away. He then pedaled there and violently attacked his victim. Mario G. was wearing bright yellow apparel, which was photographed by security cameras and later recovered by the police.

Tino E. was beaten to death on this remote country lane. There are no eyewitnesses to the bloody deed

His online search history was also incriminating. He'd inquired whether DNA traces could be identified in grass, and he had a habit of listening to the podcast "The Perfect Murder".

Despite his lack of confession and absence of physical evidence, Mario G. received a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison due to the overwhelming evidence against him. The verdict is not yet binding.

Tino E. was killed at this spot. Candles and a wooden cross commemorate the gruesome death

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