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Substantial police operation: Authorities storm "Pascha"

Thursday night brought unexpected guests to Germany's notorious brothel "Pascha" in Cologne - investigators from the tax office, possibly targeting tax evasion.

In front of the brothel in Hornstraße, the civilian vehicles of the financial investigators were...
In front of the brothel in Hornstraße, the civilian vehicles of the financial investigators were parked in the second row, with a police car behind them

Report: Two-Week Delay on Prostitution Haven Exposure - Substantial police operation: Authorities storm "Pascha"

Recent Bust - two weeks post a gang snatched over the Laufhaus control.

At roughly 8:30 p.m., tax officials made an appearance, aided with backup from the Cologne police. The entire Hornstrasse was sealed off for the operation. The tax investigators got out of ten unmarked cars and sprinted into the establishment. The vehicles bearing Düsseldorf tax authority plates parked in the second row right in front of "Pascha".

"Pascha" briefly grabbed news headlines after the probe into the trafficking syndicate. A Chinese woman, Hu, has owned the brothel since 2021. Legal documents reveal Claus B. (42) played a critical role in the procurement of "Pascha" acting under Hu's authority through a power of attorney.

B. and his legal counterpart, Johannes D. (46), are thought to be the masterminds of the smuggling operation. According to the search warrant, the syndicate (38 suspects) is said to have wooed wealthy Chinese with the lucrative offer of German citizenship. Price tag: up to 360,000 euros a head.

Police officers stand in front of the entrance to the

Claus B. was incarcerated following the previous smuggling operation, but later released on licence by the Düsseldorf public prosecutor's office. Seemingly, he provided detailed testimonials throughout the ordeal.

Co-conspirator D. jetted off to the Philippines one day prior to the bust. An international arrest order was issued for him. Johannes D. touched down in Dusseldorf earlier in the week, was apprehended at the airport, and has been in custody since.

Half a dozen crew cars parked near the brothel, the street was cordoned off

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