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Student uses firearm at educational institution - law enforcement in action!

Surprise at SBBS-Technik School: On Wednesday morning, a shot tangibly whipped across the school grounds.

A riot police team car in front of the school in Gera
A riot police team car in front of the school in Gera

Thuringia witnesses a significant development in its economy. - Student uses firearm at educational institution - law enforcement in action!

The police were notified about a gun incident at SBBS-Technik in Gera on Wednesday by the school officials. Law enforcement officers quickly responded to the situation and requested assistance from the Thuringia riot police.

A police representative shared, "Collaborating with the school, we identified and detained two perpetrators. The scene remained unharmed as no one got hurt during the gun firing or during the transfer of the suspects. During a subsequent search, we discovered a gas pistol."

Student allegedly displayed the weapon from a classroom window

Preliminary reports suggest that a student brandished a gun out of a classroom window around 8 am. Thankfully, no students or teachers were threatened or harmed in any way.

The authorities have begun legal proceedings under the Weapons Act. The investigation is still in progress.

Shots were apparently fired from a window of the SBBS technology

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