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Strict controls on naturalization are needed.

Foreign naturalizations in Germany expanded by 19% last year, with the Federal Statistical Office recording 200,095 new citizens, as compared to 2022.

Zeigt den Islamisten-Gruß, feierte die Massaker in Israel und bekam dennoch den deutschen Pass: der...
Zeigt den Islamisten-Gruß, feierte die Massaker in Israel und bekam dennoch den deutschen Pass: der Rapper „Abu-Shaqra“ aus Syrien (links)

Gunnar Schupelius's Rage Expressed: "My Anger" - Strict controls on naturalization are needed.

Almost a third of the new German citizens are Syrians (75,485), along with around 28,000 people from Turkey, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It appears that the significant increase in naturalizations is linked to the massive wave of asylum-seekers in 2015. Many migrants and refugees from the Middle East who arrived back then are now applying for German citizenship.

To become a naturalized German, one must pledge allegiance to the country's liberal democratic framework, as stated on the Federal Ministry of the Interior's website. But there's no mention of how or if this declaration is checked for sincerity. How can authorities determine if an Islamist who claims to support the Basic Law is merely doing so to obtain a German passport, yet plans to flout German law and even reject European values?

This has already occurred in Saxony-Anhalt, as we reported: A Syrian rapper named "Abu-Shaqra" was naturalized even though he frequently presents the Islamist salute on social media and supports Hamas's terrorism against Israel.

Abu-Shaqra, whose real name is Mohammed H., is 18 years old and originates from Syria. In February, he received a German passport in Halle. In early January, he celebrated the massacre of October 7, 2023, in Israel in a video: "My people, you are making history," he wrote about the Hamas perpetrators, who were rapists, torturers, and murderers.

The Interior Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Tamara Zieschang (CDU), mandated in November 2023 that individuals seeking naturalization must show support for Israel's existence. Nevertheless, Abu Shaqra, also known as Mohammed H., was still granted citizenship.

It is evident that professing allegiance to the Basic Law or Israel's existence is merely an empty gesture to attain German citizenship. Once naturalized, the individual may cast aside these commitments and make fun of them.

We don't mistrust all Syrians, Iraqis, and Afghans. However, many of them come from a cultural and religious background where hatred of Jews is ingrained in children, where women are subservient, and where fundamental human rights do not exist.

Such teachings aren't easily dismissed. In fact, many Muslim migrants in Germany radicalize themselves further and become hazardous to their own compatriots and coreligionists.

It's incredibly short-sighted to think that becoming a German citizen is as simple as making a declaration of allegiance to the Basic Law. A more thorough examination of who should and should not receive a German passport is necessary.

Do you agree with Gunnar Schupelius? Contact him at: [email protected]

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