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Straw blaze fought by firefighters for a long time

On May 18 at 10:39 pm, the fire department in Hambühren received a report of an unidentified fire on Winser Weg in Hambühren I, which later proved to be a demanding and exhausting firefighting effort lasting until the early hours of Pentecost Sunday.

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Hambühren is a location. - Straw blaze fought by firefighters for a long time

Eyewitnesses at a nearby campsite spotted signs of a fire in a wooded area and made a call to the fire department. When the first responders arrived, they found a hay barn with over 100 large round bales burning fiercely for about 30 meters.

Urgent action was taken as the fire could easily spread to the surrounding dry vegetation. The Oldau local fire department was called upon to help. Thankfully, the quick response of the first firefighters managed to contain the fire before it could reach the forest. Firefighters equipped with fire patches guarded the forest's perimeters to prevent flying embers from causing further damage.

To ensure there was enough water to extinguish the fire, the fire department connected a 350-meter-long hose line to the nearby Aller river. To effectively tackle the fire, a wheat loader, a tractor with a front fork from a local contracting company, and a water barrel were enlisted.

To improve the penetration of water, a small quantity of foaming agent was mixed in. The wetting agent helped reduce the water's surface tension and enable faster extinguishing success. The post-extinguishing process lasted several hours as pockets of embers continued to flare up in the hay. A thermal imaging camera was an invaluable tool in finding hidden pockets of fire.

The German Red Cross and Malteser Hilfsdienst provided refreshments for the emergency crews. Seven crews representing the aid organizations arrived with three vehicles. The police were also summoned, and they investigated the cause of the fire. The scene was secured and cordoned off once the operation was completed.

In the end, around 40 firefighters and seven vehicles combated the fire. After close to six hours, the operation was concluded once the fire trucks were restored to full operation.

This text is an interpretation of official information provided by authorities, utilizing AI assistance.

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