A man gave the Pope a beer during an audience. - Söder Fights in Wartikan!
During the meeting, the Pope assured Söder that he believed the Prime Minister was on the right path, even though the Pope himself was Protestant. He jokingly remarked that Söder might even get a "wild card" to heaven.
One reason for this delay was that previous audiences had taken longer than expected. This caused Söder's meeting with the Pope to start later than scheduled.
Despite their religious differences, the two seemed to agree on some issues. Both have a liking for beer, and they also share similar views on certain topics. "We are against changing paragraph 218 in any way," said Söder. "We are also against assisted suicide. The protection of life must be guaranteed at the beginning and end of life."

Söder emphasized the importance of Bavaria's Christian values: "Bavaria is a state that is committed to the Christian view of humanity." This is evident in the presence of crucifixes in Bavarian institutions and the preservation of crosses on the state's mountains.
The encounter was enjoyable, according to Söder. At times, the Pope even spoke in German. "He asked us to pray for him," he recounted. "He did that in German."

The Prime Minister advised church officials to engage in dialogue instead of just defending their positions. "I encourage all church representatives to not just live on the defensive, but to speak proactively about the Gospel and show their mission, even in their own country, in Europe," he urged.
Although Söder felt the Pope had understood his message, he remained cautious. Francis jokingly said to him as he was leaving, "I'll bring everyone to the door. Firstly, to make sure they really are leaving. Secondly, so that they don't take anything with them."

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- Söder explores Rome with selfies.
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Source: symclub.org