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Slivered pieces in bread: Potential for internal hemorrhaging.

Lidl is withdrawing two types of bread due to potential presence of harmful objects. These objects could potentially result in severe internal bleeding, warns the producer.

The manufacturer warns against eating the "Grafschafter Wholemeal Sandwich American Style, 750 g"...
The manufacturer warns against eating the "Grafschafter Wholemeal Sandwich American Style, 750 g" (best-before date until 21.5.2024). There is a risk of injury

Retracting supermarket items. - Slivered pieces in bread: Potential for internal hemorrhaging.

Bakkerij Holland, a Dutch bakery, has cautioned against consuming their "Grafschafter Wheat Sandwich American Style, 750 g" and "Grafschafter Wholemeal Sandwich American Style, 750 g" sandwiches. This is due to the possibility of finding foreign objects made of plastic in the sandwich toast.

Affected products

All of these sandwiches with a best-before date of 21.5.2024, which were exclusively sold in Lidl supermarkets in North Rhine-Westphalia, are involved in the recall.


Bakkerij Holland advises customers to be aware of the recall and not to consume the implicated products. They warn of the potential for "serious mouth and throat injuries, as well as internal injuries or bleeding" from the plastic fragments.

Customers can return the breads to any Lidl store. The purchase price will be refunded, regardless of whether or not a receipt is provided. Other Lidl breads and Grafschafter items are not subject to the recall.


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