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Significant action occurs at Hamburg's port.

Intensive search effort underway at Hamburg's harbor.

Mit Scheinwerfern suchen die Einsatzkräfte nach einer mutmaßlich vermissten Person auf der Elbe
Mit Scheinwerfern suchen die Einsatzkräfte nach einer mutmaßlich vermissten Person auf der Elbe

"Person falls into the water"! - Significant action occurs at Hamburg's port.

Last Sunday, in the evening, teams from the police, fire department, DLRG, and harbor authority initiated a big rescue mission on the Elbe river.

It was around 21:44 when water police patrol officers shouted for help. There was a possibility that someone had dived from the yacht "Karina" into the Elbe near Blohm + Voss' Dock 11.

"Man overboard"!

During the operation, the rescue teams used their spotlights and a drone over the water. However, after searching for 90 minutes, they called off the mission with negative results.

A closer look at the yacht and other nearby ships showed that there was no missing crew member.

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