Analysis by BILD's lead journalist Frank Schneider. - Should machete fights become a regular occurrence in our daily routines?
No doubt about it! Violence should never be seen as a regular aspect of daily life.
It shouldn't be the norm when more and more individuals refrain from venturing out during the evening and at night hours. And it's not just women or senior citizens who are fearful, even younger folks are apprehensive. Young perpetrators frequently target younger victims. While making their way to school, in playgrounds, or parks.
Rising cases of violent and sexual crimes
Daily, the police release reports concerning knife assaults, massive brawls, and clan disputes. They also report instances of rape and sexual abuse. There are fresh victims reported each day. These figures reveal a stark truth.
Over the span of a single week, the German Federal Police Union issued a warning. Violent and sexual crimes in train stations had surged dramatically in the opening quarter of this year.
Just over the weekend, a melee occurred at a water park in Gelsenkirchen due to two children getting into an altercation. The Syrian extended clans subsequently clashed with one another. Once the police arrived, over 500 individuals were engaged in the fracas. Consequences: a huge police operation, three injuries, and two arrests.

Essen: Hundreds of officers engaged in a soccer field fight
In Essen, authorities mobilized hundreds of officers due to 60 Lebanese clashing on a soccer field. There were knives involved, and firearms were discharged. The SEK subsequently subdued two suspects.
There were two stabbing victims in Hamburg over the weekend. The attackers from the south are at large. In Bochum, two Turkish-speaking males stabbed a party guest without any provocation. There was also the street battle in Leipzig. Are we meant to accept this as our norm? Is this the reality we are resigned to living with?
It's high time we were candid with ourselves. What is the root cause of this violence? Why are the criminals getting younger? Why do children carry knives on them and resorts to stabbing others? Only when officials, but also we as citizens, openly address the issues can we prevent violence from becoming an accepted aspect of daily life!

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