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Shots Fired Lead to Arrests During District League Game

Over the weekend, during a district league match on Bäuminghausstraße in Essen, a violent altercation occurred between approximately 60 individuals. In this incident, knives were brandished and gunshots were discharged.

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Edibles - Shots Fired Lead to Arrests During District League Game

During last night, investigators from the criminal unit interrogated various witnesses and reviewed footage that supported the accusation against two individuals from Essen. These individuals were suspected of using firearms on a sporting field. With the local public prosecutor's guidance, a district court judge in Essen sent out search warrants that were carried out by a specialized squad in two apartments in Essen-Karnap. Two people were arrested temporarily.

The criminal unit is still seeking out more witnesses and videos documenting the conflict. Anyone having information or videos can send them to the Essen police via email at [email protected] or by calling 0201/829-0. Alternatively, you can anonymously upload your information or videos through the North-Rhine Westphalia police information portal (

This article is crafted using data from the authorities and was assisted by AI.

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