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She left Mbappé speechless during his celebration.

French soccer sensation Kylian Mbappé (25) recently attended the Cannes Film Festival, where he was left dumbfounded by a gorgeous young woman. Footage of his amazement quickly spread online, resulting in a significant increase in her Instagram following.

Can't hide his admiration: world champion Kylian Mbappé
Can't hide his admiration: world champion Kylian Mbappé

Woman gains online popularity - She left Mbappé speechless during his celebration.

Mbappé's unexpected meetup leaves him out of breath!

In a recent video, Mbappé is seen having a lively conversation with former BVB star, Ousmane Dembélé (27) at a posh restaurant La Guerite. The chats take an abrupt turn when a French flag-waving woman nears their table. There, Mbappé stares fixedly at the mysterious girl for several seconds.

Not much is known about the woman. She was identified through her Instagram account, "leatsa__".

It's wild: her account went from around 760 followers to over 74,000 (!) in the blink of an eye - and counting. However, Mbappé himself is not one of her followers.

Crazed fans are already proposing the next dream couple in her latest post - they write things like "Pack your bags, you'll soon be living in Madrid" and "Mbappé has fallen in love", referring to the lady as "Madame Mbappé".

The Frenchman is expected to sign with Real Madrid next season, after departing from PSG.

Controversy at PSG: Mbappé's excursion may cost him the cup final

Mbappé and Dembélé's weekend getaway to Cannes created quite the hullabaloo at Mbappé's workplace, PSG. While they indulged in fine dining and attractive women, their team played their final league game against FC Metz (2:0).

As per "RMC Sport", their coach, Luis Enrique (54), is not amused by the behavior of his two players. They were intended to be resting for the Coupe de France final. He may even do without Mbappé in the cup final.

The weekend getaway could end up being quite costly for the star...

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