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She has excelled in taking pictures of herself.

Instead of coming out of the egg, in 2014, Ellen DeGeneres (66) was lauded for capturing a iconic selfie at the Oscars with Bradley Cooper (49), Angelina Jolie (48), Meryl Streep (74) and Brad Pitt (60) in a single photo.

Zwischen diesen Selfies liegen zehn Jahre. Links: Ellen DeGeneres mit ihren Hühnern. Rechts: der...
Zwischen diesen Selfies liegen zehn Jahre. Links: Ellen DeGeneres mit ihren Hühnern. Rechts: der berühmte Oscar-Schnappschuss von der Verleihung 2014

Ellen DeGeneres: High-Pitched Display in the Henhouse - She has excelled in taking pictures of herself.

This morning, chat show icon Ellen DeGeneres took a hilarious selfie whilst down in her chicken coop. When viewed from a bird's eye perspective, the selfie captures her amongst her feathered housemates - with the prominent beaks of Ellen's pet chickens taking centre stage. The snap had her Instagram following of around 139 million fans in awe as she shared the image from her LA backyard.

For years, Ellen has housed a multitude of animals on her property, even surprising friends like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with a few avian visitors. In her latest Instagram post, the TV host is posed next to two feathered neighbours - dishevelled hair, no makeup and somewhat unkempt from being with the animals. She adds a playful caption, "Accidental chicken selfie".

Von unten fotografiert – Todsünde eines jeden Influencers. Doch Ellen DeGeneres gibt da einen Vogeldreck drauf

Certainly, 'accidental' doesn't quite capture the essence of the moment. This image could potentially be seen as a touch of satire, a cheeky jab at colleagues in Hollywood who have opted for cosmetic procedures such as "turkey neck" (turkey neck) treatments.

Ellen DeGeneres und Portia de Rossi sind seit 2008 verheiratet

Embracing her next chapter, Ellen is gearing up for a new comedy show on Netflix. In the meantime, she's thrilling audiences with some dizzying stand-up routines in live performances.

2022: Zum Ende der „Ellen DeGeneres“-Show bat die Show-Chefin zum Tänzchen mit Jennifer Aniston (l.)

The renowned comedian is forging on in the face of adversity. With the conclusion of her Emmy-winning show 'Ellen DeGeneres Show' on NBC back in May 2022 (after 19 seasons), Ellen faced issues with the production crew. Although the loss of her former TV commitments was difficult, Ellen's sense of humour persists and she managed to find amusement in the situation - telling 'Rolling Stone' magazine, "I make jokes about what happened to me, but it was really devastating. It really affected my ego and self-worth."

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