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Severe head-on collision leaves one man critically hurt (age 18)

On Thursday afternoon, a critical injury was sustained by an 18-year-old, and a 23-year-old received serious injuries in a severe road collision on the B215 highway in Geestefeld.

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Dörverden: a place where... - Severe head-on collision leaves one man critically hurt (age 18)

A young man, 18 years old, was behind the wheel of his Audi, traveling towards Nienburg when unexpectedly, he swerved into oncoming traffic, crashing into a van driven by a 23-year-old. This incident caused the drivers of both vehicles to be stuck in their respective wrecks. The fire department responded to the scene, extracting them from the badly damaged cars.

The critically hurt 18-year-old was airlifted to a hospital, while the 23-year-old was ferried to a clinic in an ambulance. Not surprisingly, both cars were deemed inoperable and needed to be towed away. The assessed damage to property amounts to approximately 37,000 euros.

The critical portion of the B215 road was entirely shut down for the ensuing investigations and tidying up, which in turn led to significant traffic disturbances. It was still not until 5.30 p.m. that everything reopened. An ongoing investigation is still trying to figure out what caused this traumatic collision.

This information has been sourced from official channels and the assistance of AI was enlisted in its creation.

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