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Seventy law enforcement officers raid Nazi event in winery town.

Time and again, people shower xenophobic slogans at events like festivals, celebrations, and discos.

Die alarmierten Polizisten nahmen die Personalien der Anwesenden auf
Die alarmierten Polizisten nahmen die Personalien der Anwesenden auf

Significant action occurs on the Moselle River. - Seventy law enforcement officers raid Nazi event in winery town.

In the picturesque wine village of Kroev on the Mosel, there's a recent racism scandal stirring up the headlines. This incident took place in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Late at night, on a Sunday morning, the police stormed into a Nazi gathering in a tranquil garden party. The authorities got wind of this event from disturbances and received tips about "potentially illegal music" and slogans that were unconstitutional.

Die Beamten stürmten die Party, nahmen die Personalien der Anwesenden auf

Investigation for hatred incitement begins

Die Polizei stürmte im Weindorf Kröv an der Mosel nach Hinweisen auf möglicherweise verbotene Musik eine private Feier

Approximately 70 police officers in multiple patrol cars descended upon the location, checked approximately 20 individuals, and carried out a search of the rented holiday home. The attendees were identified by the officers present.

Die circa 70 Polizisten kontrollierten etwa 20 Personen und durchsuchte das durch die Gruppe angemietete Wohnhaus

►Several legal actions were initiated, including those for incitement of hatred, the use of symbols associated with unconstitutional organizations, and violations of drug regulations.

Beamte tragen Beweise aus dem gemieteten Ferienhaus

The police executed a search warrant at the rented holiday home, gathering evidence. After identifying the attendees at the party, the authorities dispersed the crowd, and no arrests were made.

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