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Senior couple perishes in confined dwelling

Altenburger Land's Meuselwitz town experiences a shocking event: Two bodies have been found, and authorities are currently conducting an investigation.

The two bodies were discovered in this prefabricated building in the small Thuringian town of...
The two bodies were discovered in this prefabricated building in the small Thuringian town of Meuselwitz (population 11,000)

The investigative authorities are probing into a case of murder. - Senior couple perishes in confined dwelling

In the Wintersdorf district of Meuselwitz, a body was recently found in a couple's residence. Their daughter discovered this disturbing discovery.

As per reports from MDR, authorities are currently trying to piece together what happened in this tragic incident. They are now engaged in a murder investigation.

*The circumstances remain unclear. Is it a case of prolonged suicide, or are there signs of a third party's involvement? At present, there is no insight into the crime's progression or the possible motives behind it.

The dead pensioner couple was found in the Wintersdorf district

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