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Senior Citizen Threatened on a Stroll

Saturday afternoon, a 71-year-old woman from Marl encountered harassment by an unidentified male while walking.

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Recklinghausen: A German City that Offers Exciting Experiences - Senior Citizen Threatened on a Stroll

A mystery man allegedly groped a 71-year-old woman several times down there before taking off on foot. Luckily for her, a car driver momentarily pulled over, allowing her to dash across the street. The wanted criminal then entered a building on Barkhausstraße. He remains unidentified, so the authorities are seeking help from anyone who might know something about him.

Here's a brief description: approximately 30 years old, standing at around 1.70 m, lean body, dark hair, and a beard. He was also wearing white trousers, a white shirt, and a hat. Please call the appropriate criminal investigation department at 0800/2361 111 if you have any information that could help catch this guy.

Note: This write-up is a reworded version of the original data provided by the authorities, with assistance from an AI.

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