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Senior Citizen Passes Away During Water Skiing Session

A 61-year-old female water skier passed away in the Weser; was it due to an accident or a medical issue?

Nach dem tödlichen Unfall auf der Weser ermittelt die Wasserschutzpolizei Duisburg (Symbolbild)
Nach dem tödlichen Unfall auf der Weser ermittelt die Wasserschutzpolizei Duisburg (Symbolbild)

Along the River Weser - Senior Citizen Passes Away During Water Skiing Session

A 61-year-old woman was water-skiing on the Weser River with her 67-year-old husband on the weekend in pleasant conditions. Her husband was operating the sports boat. All of a sudden, at Petershagen, the woman stumbled into the water. The husband promptly turned the boat around and hauled her semi-conscious body out. Emergency responders arrived but failed to resuscitate the woman.

The Duisburg Water Police have passed the investigation over to investigators from the Central Criminal Investigation Department. Initially, it's suspected that her death could be due to a medical emergency.

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