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Senior citizen (82) dies after waiting for medical attention for nearly five hours.

Was it possible to save the elderly woman's life?

In diesem Haus im Hamburger Stadtteil Neugraben-Fischbek wohnte die 82-jährige Frau
In diesem Haus im Hamburger Stadtteil Neugraben-Fischbek wohnte die 82-jährige Frau

Hamburg experiences emergency call malfunction. - Senior citizen (82) dies after waiting for medical attention for nearly five hours.

In the city of Hamburg, an 82-year-old woman's untimely demise left everyone in shock. Despite calls made by a care worker desperate for medical assistance, no doctor arrived at the scene within hours. Unfortunately, the old lady passed away shortly after.

This tragic event took place on a Wednesday night around 7 pm. The care worker phoned the ambulance service as the elderly pensioner was reportedly not in good shape, but instead, they were instructed to call 116 117. Subsequently, the ambulance service did not show up at the scene.

Fruitless calls for help

The "Hamburger Abendblatt" reported that the care worker tried to reach the Hotline for the Medical Emergency Service three times, but it seemed that the calls went unanswered. By 7.15 pm, the care worker gave up and called the fire department, which promptly responded and assured her that a doctor would visit the patient within 90 minutes.

However, when no medical help arrived for the pensioner until past 9 pm, the care worker decided to reach out to the Medical Emergency Service once more. And interestingly, this time, the care staff promised a speedy doctor's visit, but the doctor was nowhere to be found.

Agonizing wait for help

One of the neighbors attempted to check on the elderly woman around 11.30 am the following day, only to discover she was no longer responsive and was lifeless. It was around this time that a doctor from the Medical Emergency Service arrived at the elderly woman's home in Hamburg. He immediately carried out resuscitation efforts. And as a final attempt, the care worker called the emergency number 112 for further assistance. However, it was too late. The old lady had died within over two hours of the initial call.

The local police have commenced an investigation into this incident, aiming to determine whether the woman's death could have been prevented.

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