Domestic conflict regarding finances - Sebastian L., 46, fired upon his mother and father.
On Wednesday night, police stated that a 46-year-old man went into his parents' house at around 11 pm, strangled his mother (65) and shot her in the back of the head. Additionally, he shot his father and stabbed him multiple times with a knife.
After the attack, the wounded parents managed to travel to their neighbors for help. The neighbors then notified the authorities.
What led to this heinous act?
Annett L., a family friend, reveals that Sebastian L.'s grandparents had given him a car in the past. However, as he didn't have a driver's license and his parents sold the car, he never received the money from the sale.
The parents had recently informed Sebastian L. that they would no longer be providing him with financial assistance.
Can you share any details about the man involved in this horrifying crime?
Sebastian L. is a pensioner with mental health issues. He currently works part-time for a towing company to support his pension.
His true love: car tuning. He owns a 3-series BMW Compact with a sports exhaust system. According to his wife, also a pensioner, he put a lot of effort into his car.
Sebastian L. returned home after the crime. He went to bed next to his asleep wife. However, the police caught up with him shortly after he surrendered willingly without any resistance, and he was taken into pre-trial detention at the Waldeck Prison (Landkreis Rostock).