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Search is on for man who assaulted female with fists and feet to her face.

Vicious assault against a female in Berlin's Wedding region during October. Almost near to seven months down the line, authorities have commenced a public manhunt for the assailant!

Berlin police are looking for this man after a brutal attack at Leopoldplatz subway station in...
Berlin police are looking for this man after a brutal attack at Leopoldplatz subway station in Wedding

Violent assault in Berlin. - Search is on for man who assaulted female with fists and feet to her face.

Berlin cops on hunt for attacker using shared photo: An assailant reportedly dragged a 37-year-old female down to the ground violently, causing her to hit the floor and lose consciousness temporarily. He also dealt her a punch and a series of targeted kicks to the face. Thankfully, multiple passersby intervened, prompting the suspect to release the woman and escape.

The incident transpired at the platform of the Leopoldplatz metro station around 6:35 PM on October 4th, 2023. Investigators are currently looking into this case as an instance of "dangerous bodily harm."

The authorities seek help:

Has anyone recognized the individual in the image?

Can anyone offer insights regarding the identity of the individual in the photo?

Can anyone offer any information concerning the whereabouts of the individual in the image?

Please report any information you may have to the investigations department of the police headquarters (North) at (030) 4664-173131 or any other police station.

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