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Schorsch demanded sexual relations and suffered a thrashing instead.

"Desiring an intimate encounter? Lisa (30) is available for the entire night at a cost of 400 euros, according to a post found on '' alongside a blonde's photograph. Truck driver Georg H. (42), commonly known as Schorsch, swiftly made up his mind: she's the one."

Truck driver Georg "Schorsch" H. (42) was robbed in front of a fake love meeting place
Truck driver Georg "Schorsch" H. (42) was robbed in front of a fake love meeting place

Fraudulent females deceive truckers. - Schorsch demanded sexual relations and suffered a thrashing instead.

"I'm free to have sex whenever I want without needing to explain myself to anyone," says Schorsch. He found the location online: 8 pm, Nawiaskystraße, Neuperlach, knock on the door of Lisa C.

"You bloody bastard, give me the cash!"

It was already pitch black when the truck driver arrived. "Just before the house, two guys suddenly emerged from the bushes and yelled: 'You bloody bastard, give me money!'

Schorsch H.: "I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out two fifty-euro bills, tossing them at them." This resulted in a fight. "One of the men sprayed me with pepper spray. That's when I took off running. To where there were many people around. I phoned the police on my cell."

Schorsch was unable to see clearly and had to visit an eye clinic. The attack caused his blood pressure to rise to a life-threatening 250. He was only able to depart the clinic once his blood pressure dropped and his eyes were cleaned.

The truck driver is not the only victim to be ensnared in this sex trap. Four men were robbed. The robbers: Vager S. (20), Redir K. (18), and Kadir K. (20). They used pepper spray and a telescoping baton. Stolen goods: between 100 and 350 euros.

Perpetrators return the stolen cash

This is why the trio now stood before the Munich juvenile court. The charge: serious extortion and severe physical harm.

The imprisoned trio confessed, expressed sorrow to the men they had robbed, and returned the money.

Their defense attorney, Andreas Eckstein, detailed the scheme: "It was a fake account. They acquired the images of the women from the internet."

The sentences under juvenile law: one year and ten months' probation for Kadir K. and Vager S., one year of probation for Redir K.

As for Schorsch, he'll be keeping a close eye on things going forward...

The defendants (from left): Vager S. (20), Redir K. (18) and Kadir K. (20)

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