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School areas facing potential road closures in Hamburg.

Traffic congestion occurs outside numerous schools in Hamburg, due to parents transporting their kids to class, creating potential hazards for both road safety and the children entering school.

A policewoman points out to a driver that she is not allowed to stop in the no-stopping zone in...
A policewoman points out to a driver that she is not allowed to stop in the no-stopping zone in front of the school

The battle against parent taxis. - School areas facing potential road closures in Hamburg.

Three organizations - ADFC, Parents for Future, and VCD - are urging the Hamburg Senate to clear the path for the implementation of school streets in the city, which would prohibit cars from stopping. This would effectively put an end to parent cabs.

In recent times, the Hamburg Police have conducted numerous preventative measures and checks near various schools. The primary target of these efforts has been what are known as parent cabs. The police have observed a decline in the independent mobility of children on their way to school over the years.

Children are often driven directly to the front of the school building by their parents in their cars, due to fears of potential accidents or dangerous situations, out of habit, or simply for convenience. Consequently, traffic chaos and near-accidents frequently ensue, despite the prohibition of stopping in front of schools.

The trio of initiatives is advocating for the establishment of school streets in Hamburg, where cars would no longer be permitted to interrupt the flow of traffic. Similar measures have already been implemented in other federal states.

This is how the triple initiative envisions the school streets: A sign indicates that a street is closed during drop-off and pick-up times

As reported by the "Hamburger Abendblatt" newspaper, the ADFC Hamburg is advocating for the closure of streets or sections of streets to through traffic in front of schools, either during drop-off and pick-up times or even permanently. These measures would create traffic-free zones for children, enhancing safety for those who already cycled or walked to school.

"The traffic situation in front of Hamburg schools is becoming progressively difficult as the number of pupils and traffic rises. Creating school streets is, therefore, a significant stride towards making the areas surrounding schools more children-friendly," Arno Glindemann, Chairperson of the School Mobility Committee of the Hamburg Altona District Parents' Council, said in the Hamburger Abendblatt.

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