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Scholz suffers electoral setback in polls.

The upcoming continental election in two weeks, involving 350 million Europeans across 27 countries, will decide the fate of a new parliament. In Germany, this election holds significance as a gauge of public opinion for federal politics, and it could encounter challenges, specifically for the SPD.

Throughout Germany, the SPD is advertising for SPD lead candidate Katarina Barley with huge Scholz...
Throughout Germany, the SPD is advertising for SPD lead candidate Katarina Barley with huge Scholz posters

In light of the offensive posters, - Scholz suffers electoral setback in polls.

To improve their election outcome, the Social Democrats have placed big posters of the Federal Chancellor around town. Olaf Scholz (65, SPD) might not be running for the EU elections, but he's the one they want to lead the way.

INSA Trend Survey's Other Findings:

  • The CDU/CSU still holds the lead with 30% (+1). The gap between them and the other parties is so wide (13% to second place) that they're unlikely to snatch the top spot.
  • The AfD is now considered too dirty for right-wing parties in Europe, but they can still rely on a steady 17% (+/-) support in Germany.
  • The Greens are now way behind with 13% (+/-0). In the 2019 EU elections, they scored 20.5%, but this latest survey shows a significant decrease.
  • The FDP remains unchanged at 4% of the vote. This makes them one point ahead of the Free Voters (3%).
  • The Left Party drops one point, now standing at 3%.
  • The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance is expected to get 7% (+/-0).
  • The remaining parties could potentially win 9% (+2).

Federal politics are also struggling. In the BamS-Sonntagstrend survey (for the Bundestag election), the SPD loses one percentage point compared to the week before, with a current score of 15%. The Greens, on the other hand, have gained one point, reaching 13%. All other parties keep their ratings from the week prior.

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