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Schlagermove reunites the duo of Yvonne and Peter.

The largest pop event in Germany is about to occur, with a unique pair unexpectedly rejoining forces.

Last year, tens of thousands of pop fans celebrated the BILD truck at the Landungsbrücken. This...
Last year, tens of thousands of pop fans celebrated the BILD truck at the Landungsbrücken. This year, Peter Klein and Yvonne Woelke are singing together for the first time

First-time performance at BILD. - Schlagermove reunites the duo of Yvonne and Peter.

Over 400,000 pop fans are predicted to gather in Hamburg's infamous Reeperbahn district starting at 3 PM on Saturday. It's going to be a scorcher!

Yvonne and Peter will be attending, with Yvonne's former stepfather flying in from Mallorca exclusively for the festivities. They've been working together in the studio for weeks, recording two love-themed songs.

Yvonne's relationship with Peter? She chuckles, "We're still great friends. Who knows what could happen during a wild party night on the Reeperbahn?"

Nudie Micaela Schäfer is back on the BILD truck to support Yvonne (l.)

Yvonne has joined Hossa parties thrice before, bringing longtime companion Micaela Schäfer (40) each time. Yvonne explains, "I need my moral support."

Also expected to attend are former Daniela Katzenberger stepfather, as well as show host and ex-partner of Dieter Bohlen, Nadja Abd el Farrag.

Gigantic backdrop: around 400,000 pop fans are expected around Hamburg's Reeperbahn

Following the Schlagermove (a 3.3 km circuit around St. Pauli), the celebrations continue long into the night at the Heiligengeistfeld afterparty (with pop icon Bata Illic, among others) and at the pubs around the Reeperbahn.

Hossa! A love-filled festival lies in wait for Hamburg.

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