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Scandal Involving Nazi Links with a Czech National Soccer Player

In the Czech Republic, Ladislav Krejci's signature on a soccer shirt has caused a stir. Upon Sparta Prague winning the Czech championship, the team captain and national player (25 years old) signed a jersey with the number 88 and the inscription "Jude Slavia" (Jews Slavia).

Did he know what he was doing? National soccer player Ladislav Krejci signs the jersey with a grin
Did he know what he was doing? National soccer player Ladislav Krejci signs the jersey with a grin

The slur on the fan's jersey seems to be a jab at Slavia Prague enemies. The numeral "88" carries a deep-seated meaning for German and Czech neo-Nazi groups, representing "Heil Hitler" because 'H' occurs eighth in the German alphabet.

A photo emerged of Krejci authorizing the jersey during Mlada Boleslav's championship celebration prior to boarding the team bus. It was posted on X (originally Twitter) a day after the event.

Half-baked statement

Ondřej Kasík, speaking on behalf of the player, offered an apology on X saying, on Krejci's behalf, "We always try to spend time with fans after away games, letting them take pictures and get autographs." He admitted Krejci hadn't thought anything like this would happen.

Defender Krejci is captain of Sparta Prague and a Czech Republic international

In the image, it looks like Krejci isn't attempting to miss the offensive remark.

Kasík's statement, previously discussed with Krejci, continues, "However, I'm not defending that I'm responsible for what I sign or do. I should monitor these actions and distance myself from any racist views."

Several Sparta Prague supporters have faced allegations of having connections with the far-right martial arts community.

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