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Sausage bait containing nails poses danger to dogs.

Over the past week, the Osnabrück police department has cautioned residents about sausage baits containing nails discovered in the Wüste area.

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The city of Osnabrück. - Sausage bait containing nails poses danger to dogs.

The Wüstensee area and nearby streets like Auguststraße, Am Pappelgraben, and Jahnstraße are being impacted. One incident took place on Wednesday night when a dog consumed one of these traps, necessitating urgent emergency surgery. Thankfully, other creatures haven't been harmed yet.

The police are frantically seeking witnesses to provide details about the offender, the crime, or any suspicious activities observed. Anyone with such information is asked to dial 0541/327-3303 (for daytime hours) or 0541/327-2115.

This narrative is adapted from the official authorities' accounts using AI assistance.

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