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Saint Pauli achieves success at the Wilder Kaiser.

The journey towards the Bundesliga passes by the Wilder Kaiser.

St. Pauli set up their summer training camp against the backdrop of the Wilder Kaiser (here from...
St. Pauli set up their summer training camp against the backdrop of the Wilder Kaiser (here from Kitzbühel, 20 minutes from Schefau)

Seasonal exercise retreat - Saint Pauli achieves success at the Wilder Kaiser.

FC St. Pauli's summer training camp will happen between July 15th and 25th in Schefau, Austria. Coach Fabian Hürzeler (31) will set his team up for the new season over this period of 11 days.

The season kicks off with the first round of the DFB Cup during the weekend of August 16th to 19th. The draw for this event is set for June 1st on the ARD-Sportschau (live, from 6 pm). Ex-Bundesliga player Nils Petersen (35) from teams like Freiburg and Bayern will announce the opponents for the Hamburg clubs - St. Pauli, HSV, and Lottopokal winners Teutonia Ottensen.

A week after the Cup, St. Pauli's opening game in the new Bundesliga season is set to begin on August 23rd.

The official training commencement for the Kiezkicker is set for around 5 weeks from now, on July 8th. While in Schefau, the professionals will also play two exhibition matches, with their opponents yet to be decided.

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